
"We, not only consult but help people in execution"

One of initiative of EKON is building entrepreneurs by providing "Opportunities" in their business. Ekon has been focussing on helping farmers to become agri entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is a key factor for the survival of small scale farming in an ever-changing and increasingly complex global economy. But what is entrepreneurship in agriculture? How does it relate to small-scale farmers who operate on the edges of the economy?

Ekon help Farmer-entrepreneurs see their farms as a business. They see their farms as a means of earning profits. They are passionate about their farm business and are willing to take calculated risks to make their farms profitable and their businesses grow.

Ekon focuses on extending support for developing entrepreneurial capacity among farmers by:

  • Training and Extension support.
  • Facilitating Entrepreneurship Training Programs.
  • Post- Training Extension Services.
  • Developing Producer Organisation.
  • Accessing Finances and Marketing.
  • Supporting Partnership and Networking.
  • Creating a culture of Entrepreneurship.